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Improving Your Health: Your Second Brain - E: 006

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SUMMARY:  A Candid Discussion About Food and Lifestyle

The brain in your skull, the one we believe is in control is actually only partially in control. This episode discusses a lot of things connected to overall health and operating in your prime.


Offer a great discussion to help the listeners learn more about other factors associated with brain fog, lack of energy, and bad results of too much stress.


"In just the simple act of eliminating sugar, you eliminate inflammation which is a big contributor to so many ailments." - Dr. J

Outreach: LinkedIn Community
Guest: Dr. J Alvarez
Sponsor: Clove and Twine
Learning Corner: Fight or Flight: The Sympathetic Nervous System

** Study ** Think Twice: How the Gut's connected to depression

LAUNCH PAD: For more motivation, consider this article about being happy at work. Plus, check out the career development step-by-step workbook: